Current Events | No Earthly King

I was going to do today’s post on a completely different topic, but since the prior idea is something that is continually ongoing, I think it can wait. I got interrupted in the middle of the other post while scrolling through Facebook and then I saw this photo.

In 1912, as the legend goes, Ralph Rose- the U.S. Flag bearer was walking during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. When asked why he didn’t dip the flag in respect to the King of England, Ralph happily replied, “This flag dips to no earthly king”.  I find this interesting as during this period of American history almost 90% of people would be considered Christians. 

In 2021, Americans seem okay to kneel however to their propaganda overlords. In the photo above, the White Americans are seen bowing in repentance for their “sin” of slavery. Don’t get me wrong, slavery is an awful, horrible thing, however, why should these people in the modern era “confess” their sin to a man? This man can’t save them, this man can’t do anything. These people have gone absolutely bonkers.

While the landscape of Christians continues to decline in the United States, 65% still consider themselves aligned with some form of Christianity. And in this picture alone, most would consider themselves Christians. If that’s the case, why on Earth are they bowing to anyone?

Unless these people are directly responsible for slavery itself, they should not be asking for forgiveness from any man, woman or child regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or creed. These people cannot wipe their slate clean, nor do they want to. The people holding the event are on a power trip.

This leads me to say concurrently, that this propaganda along with all others is no more than a human made religion seeking to enfranchise the people that have bought into it. They will be abused, they will be kicked, and they will be enslaved in their own mind thinking they owe these people something. 

Christ made it clear, “No one can serve two masters”. If anyone of these kneeling call themselves Christians, I would dare to say they are not.

Unfortunately, this radical ideology has infiltrated our churches. The Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America blatantly support and advocate for a postmodern social justice. The United Methodist Church also does the same. These are two of the largest factions of Christianity in America, yet they are following man made doctrine that doesn’t even teach about Christ. 

For the final point, either Americans have no interest in really being Christians, yet want the name recognition or they are faithfully following this apostate church that has been created under a new religion. This religion is not of God, but is created from the number of man. 

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